
Thursday, November 3, 2011

CCDA 640-864 Official Certification Guide 4th Edition

A couple of months ago I had the privilege to read an advance e-book version of this new certification guide for the Cisco Certified Design Associate written by Anthony Bruno and Steve Jordan.  Cisco Press is bundling this e-book with a new test engine.  Unlike previous certification guides, this new test engine is not from Boson.  The test engine was very user friendly and the test material was well designed.

The book itself is very well laid out.  Although it is thick with theory about network design to meet the needs of those studying for the CCDA exam, it also has many real world examples.  These examples make the theory easier to understand and internalize.

As with most of the Cisco Press certification guides, there are plenty of questions within the chapters to help the reader self assess their progress.  My favorite feature is the memory table appendix.  These are a great way to prepare for the test.  My goal when I prepare for a test is to use the memory tables until I can accurately fill them in without the book and even produce them without the empty tables.  It's a great feeling to start an exam with a "cheat sheet" of sorts from the memory tables you can write down on your white board.