
Friday, February 13, 2015

It's Dirty Work, But Somebody's Gotta Do It

Network Engineers are known to have to work in dirty places like under desks, janitors closets (err I mean network closets), and those weird spaces in mechanical rooms in which someone decided to hide a switch or two.  Nothing though in networking compares with some of the jobs that this year's Cisco Live! keynote speaker has done.  He's cleaned poo, made snakes vomit and even greased the crawler for the US Space Shuttle.  

That's right, this year's keynote speaker is none other than the host of Dirty Jobs and Somebody's Gotta Do It, Mike Rowe!  If you haven't followed Mike recently, he's also started his own foundation Mike Rowe Works.  His goal is to bring back the notion that hard work can achieve greatness without the need for a formal higher education.  

His foundation is working to revitalize vocational training in the United States and train people for the over three million jobs that are open because of a lack of skilled labor.  Take Mike's S.W.E.A.T. Pledge today that Skill and Work Ethic Aren't Taboo.

Mike's speech should be humorous, yet poignant and very educational.  If you haven't already registered for Cisco Live!, what are you waiting for? I mean really, a week of awesome training, new and old friends, Mike Rowe and Aerosmith, can you really beat it?

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