
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Automatic Recovery for Err-disabled Interfaces

There are four primary states for interfaces on Cisco switches: up, down, administratively disabled and err-disabled.  Up and down are fairly self explanatory.  Administratively disabled means that the port is configured to be shutdown by the administrator using the CLI.  Err-disabled though can be a bit baffling to a new network engineer.

The err-disabled interface state can be caused by many situations including:

  • Bad cabling
  • Duplex mismatch
  • BPDU guard violation
  • Port-Security violation
  • Link-flap detection
The complete list is on Cisco's site.

An engineer can recover an interface by entering configuration mode for the interface and issuing the shutdown and then no shutdown commands.  By default the interface will remain err-disabled until a human intervenes because auto recovery is disabled as is shown by the following show command.

SWITCH#show errdisable recovery
ErrDisable Reason            Timer Status
-----------------            --------------
arp-inspection               Disabled
bpduguard                    Disabled
channel-misconfig (STP)      Disabled
dhcp-rate-limit              Disabled
dtp-flap                     Disabled
gbic-invalid                 Disabled
inline-power                 Disabled
l2ptguard                    Disabled
link-flap                    Disabled
mac-limit                    Disabled
loopback                     Disabled
pagp-flap                    Disabled
port-mode-failure            Disabled
pppoe-ia-rate-limit          Disabled
psecure-violation            Disabled
security-violation           Disabled
sfp-config-mismatch          Disabled
small-frame                  Disabled
storm-control                Disabled
udld                         Disabled
vmps                         Disabled

Timer interval: 300 seconds

Interfaces that will be enabled at the next timeout:

 In some cases, it would be safe to allow the switch to auto recover the interface to up if the condition that caused the err-disabled state has cleared.  For this example, let's assume that a port-security violation caused the error (psecure-violation).  This is a relatively benign error to auto recover because if the violation still exists, port security will rapidly trip again putting the interface back into err-disabled.  The default is that the switch will clear the state after 5 minutes.  So to have the switch auto recover the interface the following configuration would need to be added.

SWITCH# configure terminal
SWITCH(conf)#errdisable recovery interval 300 ! Default setting shown for completeness.
SWITCH(conf)#errdisable recovery cause psecure-violation
SWITCH#copy running-config startup-config
 Similar commands can be entered for the other reasons listed above in the show command or you can set all reasons to recover by using the keyword all.  Be careful where you enable the auto recovery, it might not be your friend on all switches.  For example, you wouldn't want a link on a core switch having a problem to start flapping because of auto recovery causing a network convergence every 5 minutes (or whatever you set the timer to).

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