
Friday, March 30, 2012

Backup Your VLAN Database

A junior admin at XYZ corporation was tasked with adding a switch to the XYZ network.  He grabbed a spare switch out of stock that had been previously used.  After he plugged in the switch, most users were complaining that they couldn't connect to company resources over the network.  Your manager has tasked you with determining the cause of the problems and fixing them.

Sounds like a test question doesn't it?  Well unfortunately it happens often enough in real production networks.  A new switch is added with VTP server mode turned on and a higher revision number than the current VLAN database.  This can cause a totally bogus VLAN database to be propagated to the network via VTP if it is enabled on the production switches.  While there are plenty of ways to prevent this from happening, even the best network team can occasionally have a bad day.

Cisco's EEM provides a handy way of backing up your vlan.dat file so that you can quickly and relatively easily restore your VLAN database.

event manager session cli username "user" ! Determines the user that the script runs as.  If you use TACACS+ command authentication this is important.
event manager applet backup-vlan
 event timer cron cron-entry "0 23 * * *" maxrun 60000 ! Schedules the script to run at 23:00 every day.
 action 1 cli command "enable"
 action 2 cli command "configure terminal"
 action 3 cli command "file prompt quiet" ! Eliminates the "Are you sure?" prompts.
 action 4 cli command "end"
 action 5 cli command "copy const_nvram:/vlan.dat scp://user:password@FQDN/vlan.dat" ! Copies vlan.dat to a SCP server.
 action 6 cli command "configure terminal"
 action 7 cli command "no file prompt quiet" ! Restores the "Are you sure?" prompts.
 action 8 cli command "end"


  1. Hi Benjamin,
    thanks for this script. Would it be possible to enhance it to add date to filename (vlan.dat.19.09.2012)?

  2. In some parts of IOS you can use tokens, but they don't seem to work in the copy command. I'm not an EEM expert, but I'm guessing that there would be a way to do it with EEM itself.
